Confluence Fly Shop - Bend, Oregon

Fly Fishing Education

May - August

Thursdays and Saturdays


$50 per student

Start Fishing Like a Pro

Fly Fishing 101

This small group session, is a fantastic introduction to the fundamentals of fly fishing! Topics covered will include: proper selection/rigging of the fly rod, reel, line, and leader; basic fly casting; basic knot-tying; and an introduction to fly patterns, what they imitate, and how to fish them. One-time 15% discount on any full-priced, shop merchandise.

At Confluence Fly Shop

What Are They Biting On?

Aquatic Entomology

Understanding the biology behind what trout eat, is critical to taking your fly fishing to the next level. This class introduces students to the river insects upon which our local trout focus and how to stock your fly box with the most productive patterns to imitate them. Class meets at the shop for classroom session followed by a quick trip to the river for live bug identification.

Session 1: January

Aquatic Entomology

Saturday, January 18th
10am – 1pm

Session 2: February

Aquatic Entomology

Saturday, February 22nd
10am – 1pm

Session 3: March

Aquatic Entomology

Saturday, March 22nd
10am – 1pm

Start Fly Fishing Today!

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